
Monday, January 31, 2011

Craigslist Finds

We spent Friday night driving around Raleigh picking up my Craigslist goodies. 

Vintage Campaign dresser- I had been looking at this for months and thought it would get scooped up pretty quickly. Doug and I agreed that we had no where to put it . Friday I decided to turn it into a vanity and replace my old bed side table. 

#2 Retro chairs- I cannot wait to reupholster these chairs. I got four of  them for $25 each. That sure beats the alternative. I cannot wait to get some fun fabric on them. 

Doug is still really sad about the chairs but when they look like this...
well, he will probably still be sad but i will be happy:)


Can you say high maintenance?

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Doug twisted his ankle walking in the yard this weekend. 
It put quite a damper on my plans to get our cornices up. 

After 6 months of nagging I have cornices in the guest bedroom. Thank you Doug!
It matches the headboard we upholstered a couple months ago. 

Friday night we went shopping on Craigslist and I cannot wait to show you my finds. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Faith in Craigslist has been Restored

Today while reading one of my favorite blogs My Cup of Te I fell in love. This is not unusual because everything Roxy posts I usually fall in love with.

When I saw this chair I knew it reminded me so much of some a dining room I had seen...

There was one HUGE problem. I am not in the market for $1400 dining room chairs. I am not in the market for anything that is $1400. 

      design darling

I went to my Craigslist and found these. Just add some hot pink wool fabric and wah lah.

I begged Doug to take off work and get the chairs. He refused and said that they "looked like 1980".
What do you think yay or nay?

Campaign Dresser Round Up

Mr. Goodwill Hunting is doing an AMAZING round up of campaign dressers today.  Go check it out
and try to not be super jealous.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reception Mood Board

 We are about 4 months from the wedding and I am starting to freak out.
I do not have a wedding planner. I have considered it pretty much everyday but the truth is...
it is not in my budget.  Also, I figure I have done all the work so why hire someone now?
I think it just hit. me. today. On the day of the wedding...
who is going to tie my napkins in bows?
throw out gold confetti?
tie streamers in the trees?

images via kate spade, coco t kelley, and style me pretty

Anyone know any amazing wedding planners (in NC)  who I could actually afford?


Monday, January 24, 2011

Productive weekend.

I do not know if you can count crawling on my hands and knees to find fabulous purple wool pants productive. I did spend a significant time nagging Doug until he finally made me some cornices. This did require a huge chunk of the weekend which kept me from finishing my campaign dresser make over. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Story of my life

I promised a campaign dress makeover but instead I got a little distracted. 
This weekend was the last day of the J Crew Warehouse Sale in Chapel Hill. 
Remember those amazing pants that sold out in one day... I found them for $7. 
Happy Monday!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Weekend Plans Include-

My campaign dresser is getting ANOTHER makeover.
I love the red but things are looking a little dark and gloomy in the guest bedroom.
Nothing that a coat of glossy white paint cannot fix.

This was the perfect timing for some painting tips. 

CSN Winner!!!!

The winner of the CSN Giveaway is...
Christine from Bijou and Boheme

Bijou and Boheme

 If you live under a rock and do not read her blog you are missing out. This woman can do no wrong.

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Max: 20
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Let's Eat

This is all I do all day everyday.
Patiently waiting on Craigslist to send these chairs to me.
Last week I found a table and 6 chairs for $75 dollars.
After the initial shock I emailed the seller, called her, texted her, and called her again. 
She has already sold them.
I cried and then yelled some cuss words.
Time to move on.

Wedding Weekend

Slate gray + peach + fur shrugs + a beautiful bride= PERFECT WINTER WEDDING

Hurry and enter the CSN Giveaway ! It ends tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First Dance

What was your first dance?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

CSN Giveaway!

CSN stores has over 200 online stores where you can find anything you need whether it be
wall art and decor, super stylish rugs, or even wallpaper.

To win a $35 dollar gift certificate:
1. Become a follower and leave a comment.
2. If you blog about the contest, leave another comment and get an extra entry.
Good luck! I will choose a winner randomly on Friday.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have been MIA this week because I have been trying to get my life together so I can get out of town this weekend. My close friend Beth is getting married. There has been so much anticipation I cannot believe that it is already here.  I am a huge sucker for a winter wedding. I cannot wait to see everyone and celebrate BTack and Oliver.

Save the Date progress

Save the dates are done and going in the mail this week. 
Christine came over and helped me address them.
Each one was a little piece of art. I am in love

 If you get one in the mail and it is not so cute you can blame me.
Due to time constraints I did my fair share and they are not something I am proud of.
Tina, you really should quit your day job.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

J Crew Warehouse Sale

IFor anyone interested it went a little something like this-- 

Accessories: $8 

All Shoes: $30

Skirts and Sweaters: $20 Shirts: $10

Jackets: $50 

Overall amazing prices if you are willing to deal with this ish.  The pictures below are compliments of Reediculous who I forced to give me every detail while I was waiting at work on Friday . 

I loved my finds but it took 3 hours Friday and an hour on Saturday to find stuff.  It is here until January 23rd and I plan on going a couple more times before it is over.  I would recommend going if you live close but I do not know if it is worth it to drive from far away.