
Sunday, January 9, 2011

J Crew Warehouse Sale

IFor anyone interested it went a little something like this-- 

Accessories: $8 

All Shoes: $30

Skirts and Sweaters: $20 Shirts: $10

Jackets: $50 

Overall amazing prices if you are willing to deal with this ish.  The pictures below are compliments of Reediculous who I forced to give me every detail while I was waiting at work on Friday . 

I loved my finds but it took 3 hours Friday and an hour on Saturday to find stuff.  It is here until January 23rd and I plan on going a couple more times before it is over.  I would recommend going if you live close but I do not know if it is worth it to drive from far away. 


  1. that blue coat is hot! i somehow missed the coats. i will definitely be going back if it's there until the 23rd. i got 3 bikini tops from just one of the 15 boxes...and didn't search for any accessories at all.

  2. I wish I lived closer. I usually dont like to sift through boxes but for those prices I would!
