
Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow Week

This week has been a real doozy. I came home from work last Friday and was feeling under the weather. Before I knew it I had been asleep 3 days straight. 

As soon as I was getting back to normal. The snow storm of all snow storms hits. Raleigh, North Carolina shuts the shit down when it snows. There are really no words.  I was lucky enough to make it home before the snow started.  

Half of my friends were stuck in traffic turning 20  minute commutes into a 3 hour nightmare. 

Again, we are trapped in the house for 2 days. You think we would have finished our bathrooms. Nope. I will hopefully finish things up this weekend and have something worth sharing on Monday. 

Needless to say, I am going a little kooky and looking forward to getting out of this house. 


  1. Bathrooms looking good so far! Can't wait to see the rest! Raleigh legit went crazy. I'm pretty sure the Cameron Village ABC store has nothing left on its shelves. Brandon works downtown and his normal 10 minute commute took him 2 hours. It was insane.

  2. oh my lord the snow! i feel so bad for everyone trapped in their cars for so long. makes me feel better about our bad weather here in chicago because at least we can still go out! love the bathroom!
