
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Things at Target I do not hate...

I have a love hate relationship with Target. I have never had much luck finding anything in the home department. I tend to walk in and drop $100 on shampoo, sports bras and over priced cleaning supplies. I went in this weekend to buy some space boots. My friend Rachel had them and looked very Isabel Marantish. I stopped in the home section and was pleasantly surprised.


  1. Target is my all these picks!

  2. They've had some pretty great things lately, haven't they? I'm never able to go in there and come out with just on thing!

  3. I have a Target sickness too. What starts out as "I am just going to pop in for shampoo" turned in a $100 trip of shampoo and bikinis and boxers for the hubby, and ...
    But yes, I have been eyeing that bench for my entryway.

  4. I feel the same way, but loving Nate's new arrivals. Great lampshade and the tortoise box he did is wonderful too!!

  5. Great base for pictures :)In my opinion, the most beautiful is the second picture. The Golden foil lamp!!
