
Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekend Recap, Chintz and Big Decisions

This weekend was the first glimpse of spring and we took full advantage.  

 I woke up Saturday morning and Doug had decided to tear down our screened in porch. {Insert panic attack} Some of the wood was starting to rot. The joys of being a homeowner. Not a day goes by that something needs to be fixed.

What happened next was no bueno. My friend Rachel, took my friend Jessica and I to a local consignment store and we came across this...

I debated putting pictures on here because the pictures do not do it justice. Think more chinoiserie/chintz and less Tommy Bahama. I have been slowly redecorating our front living room. Selling off things piece by piece. I left the store feeling like a obsessive, crazy person.  I was so excited...

As soon as I got home I showed Doug. He broke out in laughter.

Then I called my Mom.
" Really? That looks like your grandmother's hand me down."

My friend...
" Pretty. What are you going to recover it in?"

I get it. Not everyone loves chintz. It is hard. It is kooky, but so am I. I am pretty confident and know what I like. What happens when your taste goes against the popular opinion? I think it is easy to second guess yourself.  At the end of the day, you have got to go with your gut and do what you love. If you love it, it never goes out of style.

I think Jenny would approve.


  1. Oh my gosh- your chintzy sofa and everyone's reaction to it is right in line with the chintzy black and blush floral rug I ordered on Wednesday and then had to cancel when Geoff FREAKED out on me for getting such a girlie rug. Haaaaa! I'm still obsessing over it...the only solution I have come up with is to find another thing to obsess about until I forget it. Le sigh...And ditto on the constant repairs at the house. That was my weekend too.

  2. I think you could make that look awesome, with the right pillows and the other things in the room. It could really sing as is. I say go with your gut and trust yourself.

  3. You don't have the guts to cut bangs, but love 'em, and I don't have the guts to buy a sofa like that, but I love it! I've been paying attention to the fact that you're selling everything living room, and I'm so friggin excited to see what you're doing in there next.

  4. The couch really doesn't translate in that photograph. I think it is gorgeous and very Jessie. Go with that gut.

  5. I think in the right setting it could go either really fabulous or really not. Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  6. LOVE it! No recovering necessary... And grandma hand-me-downs are the best anyway, right?

  7. I LOVE the sofa! I love chintz, especially the way it's being used lately. I so hope you got it!!!

  8. It's sings!
    It will be the star of the room!
    In the's what makes yourself happy that counts.

  9. I love it and I say go for it. I've had the opposite problem where I tend to let others opionions dictate big decisions and then I regret them. I have a house full of rugs and chairs and sofas that I only sorta love. Your house demonstrates what amazing taste you have so stay true to it. Matthew always hates everything I choose when singled out but loves our house so goes to show male opinions are volatile.

  10. Definitely go with what you love!!! Personally, I wouldn't be able to style that and make it look good, but I know you will make it look amazing. And, at the end of the day, it's your house, and it's your sh*t so if you love it, who flipping cares what anyone else thinks!

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  11. I know it will look awesome in your house! Can't wait to see the living room transformed! What consignment store did you find it in -- I may need to go look at the table in front of it. XO

  12. I happen to LOVE that sofa - it will go beautifully in your house!!!

  13. No one ever likes my ideas then when it's done and fabulous they try to pretend it was their idea. I can't wait to see what you do with it!

  14. I say go for it, girl!! Having personal style means having confidence and taking chances so YES you need to make that sofa happen!!

  15. DO IT!! By the way, which consignment store did you find the sofa? (In Raleigh, I'm assuming?)

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