
Thursday, March 21, 2013

5 Things

Thanks to Alex, you will get to know 5 random things you do not know about me.  It is kind of like a game of "tag, you are it" going around blog world. I think a great word to describe myself would be random, so here it goes...

I can ride a unicycle. I went to a weird elementary school that had no sports. Instead, everyone would get out of the car in the morning with his or her unicycle. Luckily, it did not kill my social life because everyone else was doing it.

I am embarrassed I have a blog. I am not naïve. I am fully aware that for every one person that likes your blog, there are 10 people who think you are an idiot. I did not tell anyone I had a blog for about 2 years (except close friends).  Seriously yall, it is kind of dorky and you spend entirely too much time on the internet.  I finally decided if I am going to put so much time into it, I am going to own up to it and be proud.

I hate sheets. I never had sheets until I was married. I get tangled up in the middle of the night. Extra step when making bed. I am over them. You can also add Tyra Banks, pumping gas and drying my hair to the list of things I despise.

I have a real job. Obviously, I am not making money from my current blogging situation. It is not that I do not consider blogging a job. If you are making a living from blogging, more power to you! I have never really got into the details on here. My job could not be more opposite from what you see on my blog. I work for Medicaid Disability and it is furthest thing from frivolous. I was planning on working for 2 years and then going back to get my masters in Social Work. I have been here 5 years.

I have a tattoo. The day I turned 18, I got a tattoo on my foot. I took a ton of my friends home with me , so my Mom would not physically injure me.  I still do not think my Dad knows about it.   Horrible, horrible decision.


  1. Hehe, I too am embarrassed that I have a blog. Only strangers know about it for the most part. Bringing people over so that your mom would not injure you? THAT is a good idea!

  2. 1. I don't tell very many people about my blog either. If they find it, they find it.
    2. I've never used a top sheet in my life. Hate them.

  3. Ha! Love it. I feel embarrassed about my blog too, especially when some people tell me everything I pick is too expensive. Guess what- it's my fantasy world and I'll only be practical when I feel like it. :) BTW- my dad never knew about my belly button ring I got when I was 15. I took it out about six months later.

  4. Wait. Do you just not use top sheets, or do you not use any sheets at all?? What do you put in between you and your mattress?

    1. ha. i do use a bottom sheet. that would be kind of gross.

  5. besides the unicycle thing I didnt know we had so much in common! I feel like I wrote this myself! Except my tattoo is a tramp stamp- I wish I could slap my 18 year old self silly.

  6. PS- I'm glad others are on the top sheets suck bandwagon. I mean I dont even get the point of them? They are torture contraptions as far as I'm concerned. Now from a design standpoint, they are a must for those pretty photo shoots. But otherwise, I ditch them.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I can't believe you can ride a unicycle!! I kept my blog a secret for so long- I was so embarrassed! Now most of my close friends know but a lot of people I know have no idea. I figure at this point if they find it they find it!

  9. Riding a unicycle is SO in Jessie...haha! I'm jealous you know how, I am pretty sure I would bust my you know what if I tried! And I hate sheets, I never slept under them until I got married and now I am forced to! haha

  10. OMG I love the tattoo comment. I always think "wow go you you badass," but since I haven't had the guts to do it, I'm (sorry for you) but glad to know some people regret it.

    I also feel you on the blog-awkwardness. I definitely took months before I told people, and am always surprised/glad when people tell me they read it. I'm going to try and embrace it more! xo

  11. Omg..loved this should share it..:)

  12. I can relate to number 1 & 2. I'm embarrassed I have a blog, too! None of my close friends or family members know about it... Only my coworkers. I will ride my car til it has zero miles to go of gas bc I hate pumping. I never blow dry my hair. EVER.

    You've quickly become one of my favorite bloggers. I have a creepy obsession with your blog. Please don't think I'm crazy. :)

  13. I cant believe you know how to ride a unicycle! and i can totally relate to 2, i am embarassed i have a blog. only my close chicago friends know about it. my family and other friends i dont ever even want them to know! i got a tattoo of an irish clover 2 weeks before college when I was 18, which is totally unlike me, but i love it. its hidden so you cant see it when im in my bathing suit or undies and if my mom ever finds out she will KILL ME.

  14. same sheet situation here. my friends would come over for slumber parties in elementary school and wonder why the weird asians sleep with no sheets. / i pointed out my tattoo yesterday and said to alan, "almost forgot it was there." he said, "what does it stand for?" i said, "stupidity."

  15. Oh my, to this day, I am embarrassed about my blog. I normally keep it to myself when I meet people. And I start blushing and kicking the hubby under the table when he brings it up to friends. I really prefer to be judged by people I haven't met in real life than by my own friends. I loved reading more about you.

  16. You crack me up - the unicycle thing is the funniest thing I've ever heard!

  17. great post, I am interesting in it!
