
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Let's catch up

It has been way too long. I have been feeling a little less than inspired lately.  Honestly, I do not have much to say. Work is slowly sucking the life out of me. We had a fun photo shoot at my house this weekend with Cyn Kain. I cannot wait to see/show you the final product. 

Pretty much my idea of heaven. Hyla Dewitt jewels everywhere!

My puppies have been keeping me company lately. I chose not to announce to the world wide web that my husband was out of town for five weekends in a row. Luckily, Hank and Roy are great watch dogs and held down the fort while he was away.  My husband is back. For good. Just in case you are creeper. 

More randomness...
Raleigh peeps you should check out Bida Manda, a new Laotian restaurant on Blount St.  Order the lettuce wraps, duck and papaya salad and the chicken curry. I could eat there everyday. 

I got a Kindle Fire. I need book suggestions.  I feel like I am in a book drought.  I need enough to get me through a week of traveling. On your mark, get set, GO! 

When I got the Kindle I got month free to Amazon Prime. I am already loving it! I am starting Downtown Abbey tonight! Does anyone else have Amazon Prime and recommend it or is it just a waste?


  1. i love amazon prime, been a member for 2 years i think. although i didn't pay the initial of course i loved it. i am giddy thinking about your photo shoot. i spy my favorite necklace ever on your bed. i can't believe i don't have any of hyla's jewels yet. i also choose not to announce when mike is out of town. seems weird to let everyone know "hey i'm home alone!" i'm sure hank and roy got splenty spoiled while douglas was away.

    i have no book suggestions b/c i'm also in a reading rut. if you get anything great let me know.

  2. such fabulous jewels! love!

  3. That tablecloth is heaven. I just read Paris Wife which was amazing.

  4. I love Amazon Prime! It saves you in a pinch, especially around the holidays. I recently ordered a new upholstered bed from Amazon and shipping was free with Prime. Rules of Civility by Amor Towles was a great read- 1930's NYC, very stylish :)

  5. If you watch Real Housewives of NYC or even if you don't you should read Carole Radziwill's book, What Remains. It's about her life with her husband and their friendship with his cousin JFK jr and Carolyn Bessette. Defintely a tear jerker but such a good read!

  6. I used to always feel weird about mentioning TG being out of town on the blog. I'm always a teensy bit paranoid. (And the golden retriever isn't a great watch dog haha)

  7. Wow that first picture is gorgeous!!! I'm sorry work is sucking your life away!! Gosh I am not a big reader, but I am about to get Andy Cohen's book and Carole Radziwill's. I've heard they are both great...and entertaining! xoxo

  8. I agree with the comment about Carole Radziwill's "what remains". I read it in 3 days. Also good is David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas. I wanted to read it before I saw the movie which comes out later this month. Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire....quick easy chick lit.

  9. Ya. Ya. Ya!!!! So excited for you. Love the tablecloth gurl. Also can I borrow your pups? My pups would love them!

  10. where is this table cloth from??

  11. I would love to know where the beige ikat duvet cover was purchased? Love it! Thank you!
