
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cornice Peek

Let me start this out by saying,  I lack all of the main components it takes to be a successful do it yourselfer- patience, attention to detail and a prescription to Aderall. I prefer to have a full time job so I can pay someone to do my dirty work. Unfortunately, that is usually not the case and I end up having to do it myself. If I can do it, so can you...

We had some old cornices left over from a previous project.
I got 3 yards of foam and 3 yards of fabric and stapled them to the boards.
I used 10 yards of grossgrain ribbon 1 1/2 in. thick and glued that sucker onto the cornice board.
We are still waiting on Ikea curtains to come back from the dry cleaner. I cannot wait to show yall the finished product.

*My friend Catherine was a life saver and suggested using Fabri Tac to glue the ribbon onto the fabric. I tried a couple of other things and nothing else would hold. **


  1. Love it! Your cornice looks exactly like a DIY I'm working on right now (nothing to do with window treatments) and it was so ironic that I saw your DIY instagram RIGHT as I was DIY-ing mine. Can't wait to see the finished product with curtains!

  2. lookin sharp my friend. such an inexpensive and hella chic way of dressing up a window.

  3. It looks so great. Really adds a little pop to your window. Looks like you're a good DIY-er to me!

  4. This turned out amazing!!!! Love it!

  5. Love it!! Thanks for the tip about the Fabri Tac because I am actually about to DIY some window treatments for our bedroom!!

  6. Love this! When can you do mine?! ;)

  7. Looks great Jess! I told you Fabri Tac would be your new bff:)

  8. This shit is bananas right here. I absolutely love!

  9. Aghh I love it. I just was contemplating putting a cornice up in our bedroom!!! Love the tip about Fabri Tac! xox

  10. First of all, hilarious intro and also makes me feel qualified to try this so thank you for that! It turned out amazingly well, and I can't wait to see it with the curtains!
