
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Iphone Dump

Story of my life in Iphone pictures...
Hunger Games/ Studio 123 umbrella holder

On Saturday, my friend Garison and I went on a mission to find a console for her television. We stopped at Studio 123, one of my favorite stores in Raleigh. I ended up getting the most beautiful umbrella holder. The ladies there are awesome. They even have me the branches and I was able to spread them out over my entire house.

New Raleigh Flea Market  find. 15 dollars. Holler.


  1. I've read The Hunger Games about 10 times- so addicting! And that necklace is beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Nice flea market it! Also love all your iPhone pics...isn't it fun to take them of unique things you come across on your daily adventures!

    Liesl :)

  3. If you want to go ahead and plan on the midnight showing of Hunger Games in March, we can totes go together. I'm obsessed.

    Also- I almost bought that umbrella holder a week or so ago. I ended up with another ginger jar tall vase because I didn't know where to put the umbrella holder in my house. Looks fab in yours! Love Studio 123.

  4. I am obsessed with the Hunger Games, I just finished all 3 a few weeks ago and I'm already considering rereading them! I love your new necklace, so fun!

  5. Nice flea market find. Gorgeous necklace!

  6. I love the new vase and necklace. So cute, I've really admired them for so long I think it's next on my list of sparkly things to purchase. I didn't know that griffen and wong did samples, but ofcoarse why wouldn't they! I should order some and take a look.

    Are you excited? Did you choose a color?

  7. Obsessed with everything! Can't believe your flea market find, amazing!

  8. Awe I want that necklace...with my initials :)

  9. ok, I think I really need to get a copy of the Hunger Games! Love your necklace ;)

  10. Your lamp is such a great score!! Don't you just love the thrill of thrifting something like that!!

  11. Love the lamp and the Hunger Games!

  12. That lamp in the last photos is beautiful! And for only 15! x
