
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Do you want a ginormous Tacori ring?

Yeah, so do I. That is why I am posting this. 'Cause I get an extra entry in a giveaway for this bad boy.

I am not usually one who jumps through all the hoops to win a giveaway- I mean seriously, I have to do what? Like your facebook, follow you on Twitter, like your mother's brother's daughter's best friend's blog. Too much effort. I had to make an exception. Mara of M loves M is hosting a serious giveaway for a Tacori ring.

This is the only thing that could bring me out of my blog hiatus. You see my favorite friend is getting married this weekend. I have lots to do including- laundry, laundry, and more laundry. Go enter that giveway and if you win I will be sad, but I will get over it.


  1. Haha, yes giveaways have been more and more ridiculous.

  2. Hahaha, love how you just explained the "effort". I usually only enter giveaways of blogs I follow so I never put in some effort, and when I tweet about it is to spread the word, as for the rest of the "efffort" I avoid it completely ;)
