
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Little Things Make Me Happy

Hot pink nails. 

Finding faux bamboo dining room chairs on Craigslist (FINALLY)

Random question. What is the best book your have read recently? I am in the market for new books for the summer. 


  1. Can you recap all your insanely amazing furniture finds from craigslist and list length of time you waited for each piece/amount paid?

    PS. Book- A History of Love & Anyone Out There are fast and easy reads.

  2. Great score on the chairs. Super jealous. I am reading the new Chelsea Handler book.

  3. you are such a diligent craigslister. crazy good find.

    i need some new reading material as well. i read tina fey's book and it was good.

  4. only two? You might need some from Society Social ;)They are coming in everything from hot pink to hermes orange ahhhhhhhhhh

  5. you just have to add the "Pin It" thing to your toolbar, so you can pin anything on the interwebs. i have one for polyvore and for pinterest. that way i can polyvore or pin any image i want! you have a mac right? i'm not sure about how it would work in mac world. i love it. i obviously spend way too much time in front of the ol laptop.
    dinner date soon? yes.

  6. Me too, little things make me happy. I love the hot pink nails
