
Monday, May 2, 2011

Hooray for Hipsters

The hipsters at Urban Outfitters have gone mad. 5x7 Chevron rugs for $69.

"Chevron is so played out" -Doug Short
If Doug says it is played out then it is probably been on it's way out for a while.
Sucks for Chevron but it is good for me because I still love it and I do not care what anyone says. 


  1. $69? seriously? how much chevron is too much? as long as we love it then does it even matter? nope.

  2. Still in the honeymoon stage with chevron. It's so not over - thanks for the heads up on the bargain, too. I'll be placing an order....

  3. Ooh, thank you for sharing this!!! A 5x7 for $70?? What a steal! I've been needing a new rug in my office and this is perf.

  4. This is the best news *EVER*. Seriously. (c: I'm running to my UO to see if they have them there...only after I secure one online (just in case)...LOVE!

  5. Hey Hun I wanted yo ask if you want to be featured on my monthly series but incouldnt find an email:(

  6. so the gray/white is backordered until aug. 21. and you have to pay $20 for shipping. boo on that.

  7. I just got one and it ended up being 62 dollars and then $10 for shipping. I got the blue though.
