
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Obsession: Stains

I am obsessed. I am very aware it may not be practical. I feel like I can live with stains for something this pretty.

 Pottery Barn

Question- do any of you fools have marble counter tops? Is it really as bad as they say? We are going to do a kitchen make over in the next year and I need to have my bubble busted early.


  1. I had Calcutta marble in my last kitchen. It was gorgeous but it etched terribly. Not so much a stain, just dull patches that you can see at certain angles that makes it look like you forgot to wipe them down. Drove me crazy.

  2. i want a kitchen remodelllll....actually i just want a new house, so i can start this all over again!
    i have no experience with marble. imagine that?!

  3. I'm a fool with marble in the kitchen and bathrooms! And I'm a happy fool :) I love the look and feel of marble, I say go for it. Just wipe up your messes RIGHT away! And live with a few stains- it gives character :)

  4. I have Calcutta Gold in my bathrooms and I don't mind the little stains at all. So worth the beauty!
