
Monday, April 4, 2011

Kate Spade-ish Decanter Love

This weekend while antique shipping I stumbled across the most adorable decanter I have ever seen. 
I am a sucker for gold polka dots. I was so obsessed I put it all over my house and took pictures. Enjoy!


  1. that is adorable and looks like someone designed a decanter just for you!

  2. What a find!!!! Absolutely LOVE it!

  3. WHAT?! OMG I NEED this for our very little decanter collection!! xo

  4. I am *SO* envious right doesn't even cover it! It's so stinkin' cute! LOVE. It reminds me of the Kate Spade vase that I have never been able to find but would probably sell a kidney for...(c: FABULOUS find!

  5. Awesome antique find! Love the dots and love the fact that it is a decanter set...score for you!!!! xx Cat

  6. that is like the best antique find ever, LOVE how cute that is- and oh so Kate Spade!

    PS- email me if you need any last min wedding crafts to keep your mind from freaking out. Ok, you might not be the freaking kind- but I had to come up with all these last minute crafts to keep myself busy so I didnt think about the major event in my life about to happen haha.

  7. Are you kidding me? Such a great find!

  8. That is too cute! And VERY K. Spade :)

  9. wow. the decanter got a lot of love.
    so, i need your help with my paint situation. check out the blog and choooooose.
    this has been far too difficult. i may end up scrapping the whole idea!

  10. I just found your blog and was looking for where you bought this. It's so kate spade! I found these (link to my blog) and have been looking for something like yours to match them for my acquired bar cart look that I'm putting together. I think I might just have to DIY something like yours. Completely gorgeous!!
