
Monday, December 13, 2010

Home Sweet Home

We are back! Doug and I had an amazing weekend in NYC. 
Things started pretty rough when we sat on the runway for 3 hours before our flight was cancelled. I am a huge fan of canceling flights. It beats the alternative of crashing.  Once we got there it was party time central. 

Central Park 

Mike and Lauren(can you say engagement pics?)
Central Park

Getting ready to ice skating in Central Park

Zumi got checked off the birthday list. 

I look drunk, Lauren looks pretty, and Mike looks creepy. 

Doug insisted. yeah right.

Looking gangster and avoiding bedbugs. 

And... drum roll please...



  1. Haha...I love your perspective on canceling flights, I will remember that for next time. Your pictures are beautiful and your wedding dress was AMAZING! Just gorgeous!

  2. Loving your NYC pictures, and am so glad you did finally get there!

    Liesl :)

  3. Holy crap. I didn't know your Doug was Lauren's boyfriend's brother!! I know Lauren because we were both ADPis at ECU. Small freaking world!

  4. yayayayaya for selling the dress!!!

  5. Um ok.. how cute are you! Your outfit looks so cozy.
    And I'm so jealous of your NYC trip, I've always wanted to go in December!

  6. So jealous of your trip to NYC! I was there last year from the 24th to the 28th and it was incredible!! xoxo
