
Friday, November 5, 2010

i love bangs.

So many bang crushes...


Erin, favorite person that was on the City

Duh. Best bangs ever.

of course, Jordan

nothing makes me happier than bangs. the day after the wedding i am getting some. then i will hate them the next day and spend the next year growing them out. until then..

J Simps has some clip in bangs. This looks like some ish I would buy and never use. I take that back I might wear this if I was out of town and no one knew me. Is that bad? Would you wear clip in bangs. They kind of remind me of those fake pony tails my mom use to buy in the mall.


  1. jessie. love this. haha and i bet all the celebs use those clip in bangs because in real life they are HUGE pain to grow out and take forever and i never see them wearing headbands for weeks on end (my current life). xoxo

  2. I say def get them! It would be fun. And that is what Lea Michelle did from Glee she even wore her flake ones to an event to try them out... meaning I read too much perez hilton and that you should get them. I want them too, but they remind me too much of middle school when i had bangs for 3 years!

  3. i will be getting bangs in approximately 2 hours (but they won't be the thick awesome kind, more the side swept version). i agree with jordan about growing them out though, since it has only taken me about a year. so i would try the j simps clip in version.

  4. Too funny- get them!! I have bangs off and on all the time- they grow out and I want them again, cut them and then want them to grow out-it's a never ending cycle with me:)

  5. How 'bout Linda Ronstadt?
