
Monday, November 15, 2010

Girl Talk

Girl Talk released the new album today and evidently broke the Internet.

Enjoy! You can download it here for free.

Anyone want to go January 27th in Raleigh?

Oh yeah do not forget to enter the CSN Store Giveaway!


  1. i have been jamming out to this all morning! i love music but i need recommendations because i am too lazy to stay hip with the current music scene since most radio music is so horrid. i have been in love with Beck for my whole life and this reminds me of him with all the mixing and what not. thanks!

    dinner. my house. soon.

  2. I got to meet Mr. Girl Talk! We live in the same town that Moogfest was in and him and MGMT were eating lunch in a restaurant on the first floor of my building. He's really nice, but kinda awkward in person!

