
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Life Update

I have neglected the blog. Unfortunately, my real job takes up way too much of my time lately.
Doug and I went home this weekend for some wedding planning.
We tasted food, saw our band, and Roy got to spend some outdoors.
Sometimes I miss having a place for my dogs to run and a creek for them to swim in.
Hopefully before everything is said and done Doug and I will move somewhere with a little more space.

{Photography courtesy Douglas Short}

Saturday we stayed in Blowing Rock, NC. I wish I would have taken more pictures because it was beautiful.

That is all. This weekend I am going to a wedding, the next weekend another wedding, and the weekend after that another wedding. Do not expect to hear much from me until then. My life = disaster.


  1. you and doug are so freakin cute. and that is A LOT of matrimony. i will miss your absence from blogging. we need to hang out again in real life soon!

  2. you all look so happy (including roy bear)!!! I love him.

  3. Enjoy this time in your day you will miss the spontaneity!
